
I’m a mother of 4, married to a fabulous cook, and, by day, I am an AEC marketer. Aside from that, I love to draw, write, and connect with others. This site started out as more of a professionally-focused website for me, but I’m changin’ things up to add some more personal/hobby elements to it, just for fun. . . and to make it easier for me to want to write on the blog! LOL. 🙂 Hopefully you either find something professionally or personally useful or entertaining.

A mantra I have been trying very hard to stick to is Keep it simple. Keep it light. Be gracious. Hopefully you can join me in that mantra as you’re on my site and can spread the word to others to do the same here and beyond. I sincerely hope you’re having a good day and will leave here the same or better when leaving this site. Enjoy! Thanks for passing by. And, if there’s something you’re interested in hearing more of, send me a message or leave a comment.